Yamuna Body Rolling Foot Fitness DVD.
Our feet are the foundation of the body, and Yamuna Foot Fitness is essential for everyone at any fitness level.
Using Yamuna Foot Wakers, strengthen your feet and you will strengthen your whole body. This program gives you simple proactive tools and solutions that can help you alleviate pain and prevent it.
Yamuna recommends that you start with the foot wakers to increase flexibility, range of motion, and alignment. Once your feet are working correctly, they only require 5-10 minutes daily to keep them happy and healthy.
This is the starter program with foot wakers exercises. It is important to give your feet some time to unwind at the end of the day. Caring for your feet will help in preventing fallen arches, Bunions, Morton’s Neuroma, Corns, and other conditions that cause pain and tension in feet.
Available as a Kit or Yamuna DVD on its own if you already have foot wakers (often people think they are called Yamuna foot walkers). You can use the wakers on the hands as well.
Also available as a kit, which includes the foot wakers and this DVD. Purchase the Yamuna Foot Waker Kit here!