Think you're stuck living with physical pain the rest of your life?

Think again...

I’ve helped thousands of people who feel broken do the activities they love without pain. I don’t care what you’ve been told. You can learn to heal your body.

I can show you how.

Think you're stuck living with physical pain the rest of your life?

Think again...

I’ve helped thousands of people who feel broken do the activities they love without pain. I don’t care what you’ve been told. You can learn to heal your body.

I can show you how.

Think you're stuck living with physical pain the rest of your life?

Think again...

I’ve helped thousands of people who feel broken do the activities they love without pain. I don’t care what you’ve been told. You can learn to heal your body.

I can show you how.

Proudly Featured In:

Featured in Alive Magazine
Featured in The Province

Hey, I'm Taylore Carre - the chronic pain expert.

I didn't want to live the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

I opened my eyes inside the ambulance. 

It felt like my head and neck had been smashed with a rock. 

Blood was coming down my face.

After they took windshield shards out of my head and stitched my scalp, they sent me home with drugs and a referral for physiotherapy.

They warned of possible nerve damage...for years I could hear my neck bones grinding and I couldn’t turn my head. Like a heavy coat, fear that I’d lose my ability to walk or move my body weighed me down...

That began my 20-year nightmare of chronic pain.

When traditional Western medicine didn’t have the answers I was looking for…I knew I had to look for a solution outside the medical system. I just couldn’t settle for feeling 80 when I was only 20…

I explored yoga, meditation, Reiki, Structural work, Energy work and more…these helped, but still weren’t able to bring the deep healing I knew I needed – and others needed too. 

It wasn’t until more than a decade later when I discovered Yamuna Body rolling and Body Logic, that I healed myself. I felt like a freaking walking miracle after over twenty years of pain! 

If I can heal my body, anyone can. 

As a structural and therapeutic movement specialist, I’ve trained hundreds of other practitioners, and helped thousands of men and women heal their bodies.

I help women feel young again - whatever their age - by teaching them to heal their chronic pain.

Are you ready to feel young again and leave physical pain in the past?

If you've tried everything and pain is still your constant the a**hole tailgating you down the highway...

Tired of more:

Doctors, Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage…

Or are you facing a surgery you don’t know you need?

You’re not alone. Unfortunately, none of these visits to practitioners will get to the root cause to bring the long-lasting healing you so deeply desire…

the healing you may have even secretly given up on.

You don't have to live in pain.

…you can learn to heal your own body ( that’s right! – so you don’t need to block off 2 hours a week visiting all kinds of experts, in the hope this is going to be the answer)…

This isn't a quick fix. This isn't a Band-Aid.

Using a combination of modalities that include education and small ball therapeutic technology, with Hands on and off Body work and Rolling you can heal yourself.

Live life doing the things you love, without paying the price for it the next day.

If you're like me, you want long-lasting RESULTS. This is a personal practice that gives you a pain-free lifestyle...

It's POSSIBLE. Let me show you how...

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John Doe

Exactly what is this Ball - Yamuna technology?

  • When you roll, we focus on the architecture of the body – consider it renovating – we begin with the foundations.
  • We build and connect the structure of the body in a way that opens up both information pathways and spaciousness. 
  • So, blood flows more easily and increases energy.
  • Organs float and function efficiently; they become unstuck.
  • Moving and lengthening muscles, soft tissue and bone, gives joints full range of motion and lifts the core effortlessly
  • Creating space in your torso magically creates better digestion and freedom from head to toes.
  • Best of all, rolling through the tissue naturally de-stresses your tissue and releases old toxins and stuck stuff. 
  • You will feel better and move with such ease….as you’re getting older you will feel amazingly younger!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe

This is for you if you want...

  • Want to finally understand the root cause of your pain so you can learn to heal it.
  • Are ready to work with a practitioner trained to focus on empowering you with over 25 years of proven successes
  • Value the connection between the mind and the body and the power you hold to heal yourself.
  • Are ready to give up dependence on your massage therapist, chiropractor, etc.
  • Aren’t looking for a quick fix or a band-aid to cover your pain.
  • Are willing to invest in you, educate yourself, try new things and explore your body in new ways in order to free up movement you maybe haven’t been able to do for years. 
  • Want a custom program, based on your needs with 1:1 guidance weekly, your own kit of self-care equipment/balls and a homework plan  of  5-30 mins/day (you may want to roll for hours…),  recordings of all sessions and check ins and then your equipment is yours forever. 
  • Are stuck at home…now’s your time to fix your body…and when you can travel again you are going to want to travel because you can and you feel good!
  • You want long lasting healing results. 
  • Want to heal yourself and know how to keep yourself pain free.

Just imagine...

  • That gnarly low back and neck pain are gone.
  • Sleeping through the night and actually waking up refreshed.
  • Spending time in the garden without having to suffer the next day.
  • You’re able to regularly exercise, when and how you want.
  • Your knees have stopped aching and no more grinding noises.
  • You’re easily able to play with kids on the floor and pick them up for those big bear hugs you love.
  • You have the tools to get relief in the comfort of home so your pain doesn’t return.
  • No more pain killers…

Apply for your Pain Relief Consult

So let me ask you a question...

More specialist appointments? Surgery? 

How about the cost of missing out on events or experiences or memories that are too painful to join? 

Do you really want to keep taking those meds? 

At what cost? And the side effects, what are they doing to your body???

Are you content to just let pain continue to be your constant companion?

What is healing really worth to you?


Are you going to continue throwing money away on quick fixes and band-aid solutions, like massages that are quick rub downs and physiotherapists that leave you doing more repetitions and selling you traction machines? 


Don’t you want to be rid of your pain and HEAL once and for all?

Getting Older, Feel Younger

One year from today, God(dess)-willing, you and I’ll still be here on the planet.

The question is, will anything in your life be significantly different?

The answer: only if you do something significantly different.

Maybe this is that new thing you need to do to finally live pain-free.

What do you think?

Are you ready to take YOUR first step towards healing your body, living pain-free, and feeling the best you’ve felt in years?


I was hoping you’d say that.

Apply for your Pain Relief Consult