Teacher Training Info
Yamuna® Body Rolling Foundations Certification Training
The starting point for studying all of the Yamuna® modalities
Created by Yamuna Zake, Yamuna® Body Rolling (YBR) is a Body Sustainability practice and self-therapy. It provides a thorough teaching and understanding of anatomy and physiology of the skeleton and soft tissue as a basis for learning self-correcting routines that help realign, adjust and maintain every part of the body. It will improve range of motion, enhance performance and prevent injuries of breakdown within the body.
This revamped training is a 10 day course combining a strong experiential approach to learning your anatomy along with Taylore’s 25+ years of experience gained through teaching and training practitioners in Yamuna® Body Rolling.
This certification uses the AnatomyU® program to guide the student through working each muscle to assure it is switched on. This means that you learn how to build each consecutive muscle in an area of the body and see the importance of each muscle in building the entirety of the body. Using your own body as your laboratory, your self-study brings you to a level of expertise in knowing how the body’s structure is put together. This makes you highly efficient in helping others problem solve and self-heal. Taking time to learn from your own body the wonders of the logic and order that are possible when you put each piece back together gives you the tools to improve your work in whatever modality you are already using.
The purpose of this program is to learn how to reorganize the human structure so that it works up to its true potential. The combination of AnatomyU® and Yamuna® Body Rolling prepare you to be able to teach all the basic lines of YBR to both group classes and individuals. In most cases basic YBR classes help people to greatly improve their alignment, range of motion, and structural problems. When people need more help in problem solving the strong anatomy knowledge gained from AnatomyU® allows you to focus with more detail on the muscles which need to be worked with greater attention. The combination of AnatomyU® and YBR also allow teachers to be much more flexible in their class offerings. Classes can be partial YBR with special focus on muscles in the area that is being focused on during that class
We know from experience that people who take a Yamuna® training greatly improve in their own bodies and in their self-awareness.
The desire to go deeper into the amazing lessons that are possible to learn from the body grows with each day of this training.
The desire to learn more and more through the body’s messages grows exponentially and leads practitioners onto learning more and more of the work.
- Anyone who is already trained in a specific modality and wants greater skills in assessing and problem solving and adding self-help programs into their existing practices. This includes Pilates, Gyrotonic, Yoga, Dance, Martial arts, fitness instructors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, and Osteopaths.
- People who are looking for a career change and who have been healed through one of the Yamuna® modalities and want to share this work with others.
- Health and wellness coaches who want to add self-help modalities to help train people in self-help care.
- Athletes who are interested in their personal best and who want to have the knowledge to help them prevent and heal their injuries.
- Anyone looking for a career and life change. It doesn’t matter your age or shape. This training will help you move better and will increase your knowledge base of your body so that you function and live better. It’s only a matter of time before this translates to helping others.
The Yamuna® Body Rolling Foundations Training blends superbly with all other modalities because it improves the body’s function, mobility and wellness.
This is a 10 day certification program. It is offered as a 10 day intensive, two 5 day sessions, or over several weekends locally or online live.
If you are choosing to take Yamuna foundations in 2 segments it is important that you study and practice in between the first and second part.
Final Exams:
- Open Book Written Exam – Multiple Choice, True/False, Short Essay
- Hands-on Assist Practical (45 minutes) – You will be asked to perform hands-on assists with the instructor.
- Teaching a class Practical 45 minutes) – The instructor gives you the focus class at the time of the exam.
- Each practical is scheduled with the certifying instructor of your choice.
- There is a fee of $315 CAD for each individual practical and that is paid directly to the Certifying Instructor testing you out.
- We ask that your testing, both written and practical, be completed within 1 year of completing the course
Tuition & Fees
*Training manual is included
**If registered and paid 6 weeks or more in advance of course receive $130 early discount off course
Prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars. If you are outside of Canada, please contact Taylore to register.
It is HIGHLY recommended to have the AnatomyU app (available via iTunes) on your tablet or mobile device.
Additional Fees – Payable directly to your instructor:
- Practitioner Kit
- Silver Ball
- Pair of Gold Balls
- Pearl Ball
- Pair of Calf Balls
- Pump
- Written and Practical Exams
- Paid directly to the Certifying Instructor of your choice that is testing you out
Please inform us if you already own products above.
- Suggested reading:
- Body Rolling: An experiential approach to complete muscle release by Yamuna Zake and Stephanie Golden – $20 USD
- The Ultimate Body Rolling Workout: The revolutionary way to tone, lengthen, and Realign your Body by Yamuna Zake and Stephanie Golden – $20 USD
Note: You have one year to register for phase 2 from the time you complete phase 1. Upon Certification your relationship with us is that of an independent contractor.
Becoming a Certified YBR Practitioner
- Attend complete 10 days course
- Exams: written and practical exam ($315 CAD payable directly to practitioner)
*You must pass a one hour practical teaching exam which includes teaching a class and doing the required hands-on assists for the class.
It is recommended that both teaching and written exams are completed within 1 year of completing the exams.
- Proof of CPR. It can be done online.
- Proof of malpractice insurance. Listing Yamuna Studio as additional insured
- Signed independent contractors agreement
The following is required in order for you to maintain in good standing:
- Signed Independent Contractor Agreement
- Valid proof of CPR
- Valid proof of insurance listing YZ Studio, Inc. as an additional insured (in U.S.A. only)
- Annual membership dues of $150 will be collected directly by Yamuna® by June 30th of every year.
- Re-certification every 2 years either through a Yamuna® course that counts as a recertification or by purchasing a recertification course (digital or DVD based) through Yamunausa.com.
Benefits of YBR Certification and Membership:
- You will be listed on the www.yamunausa.com website
- Unlimited support in your practice
- Your emailed questions answered within 48 hours
- Frequent emails with information on commonly presented pathologies and how YBR can be used for those clients
- Purchase most YBR products at wholesale prices. Certain guidelines may also apply.
- Be a part of our private Yamuna Facebook community
- Access to the Practitioner’s Area where you are able to:
- Edit your profile
- List local classes and workshops you are teaching
- Access to the online Newsletter
- Place online orders
- Access blog
The Yamuna® work promotes BODY SUSTAINABILITY.
The core of Yamuna® Education is to help people make healthy body choices in order to prevent injury and common breakdown, so they can maintain healthy and freely moving bodies at every age.
Adding a Yamuna® training to your present practice will enhance your knowledge and skill. The work can easily be integrated into any other technique that you offer. Join the growing number of professionals who choose the YAMUNA® training as their continuing education choice of preference.
All of the certifications and trainings emphasize working anatomically correctly and in synchronization with the natural order of movement in the body and are based on the following principles:
- Creation of optimal space throughout the body which restores the range of motion in all joints.
- Stimulation of bone.
- Exertion of traction on muscles to create space.
- Reorganization of the body structure to optimize its function.
All of the important concepts unique to the Yamuna® work are presented on the first day of the training. The importance of direct bone stimulation, weight bearing and traction along with other concepts make the Yamuna® work stand apart from other ball work. In the Yamuna® work it is not about randomly rolling on a ball. It is about deeply penetrating the body using a ball that allows your body weight to penetrate into a round form that is supportive, safe and has resistance so the body receives feedback and can respond. All of the Yamuna® balls are used throughout the training (silver, gold, pearl, black). The back balls are used during the AnatomyU® as they offer more detail. While learning all the basic YBR routines the other balls are used. Getting comfortable knowing when to use which ball for each routine and client level is covered throughout the program. Each day different muscle groups are covered.
First the individual muscles are taught using AnatomyU. Following this, the routines that focus on these muscles are taught. How to teach each routine, how to assist, and the practicing of each routine are part of each section of the body covered.
The training begins with the posterior body from the pelvis to the feet. All the muscles that build the posterior pelvis are taught followed by the hamstrings, the deep lateral rotators and leg muscles. Next all the routines which focus on these areas of the body are taught and practiced. The anterior body from the pelvis to the feet includes the quadriceps, adductors, anterior leg muscles and peroneus muscles. All of the routines which focus on these muscle groups are then taught.
The back focuses on the more superficial muscles of the back and then various routines which introduce important concepts for building strong flexible and aligned spines are covered. The muscles of the anterior torso include all the abdominal muscles and the pectoral muscles and the muscles which support the anterior neck are taught and the corresponding routines for each area are taught.
The sideline of the body is an important part of the YBR teaching. It builds the body’s length equally from the sides, anterior and posterior bodies. The muscles specifically to the sideline are taught and then the routines for the side are taught.
After day one of the training there will be both practice teaching time daily and hands-on practice for each routine covered the day before. Throughout the training there is adequate practice teaching time with peer reviews to support you in developing and improving your teaching skills.
Discussing Case Studies and modifications helps you to hone in your abilities to problem solve and think about how to focus on each individual’s needs.
The last two days of the training will focus on structuring focused classes and the practice of teaching them. Some people will be ready to take their tests by the end of the training while others will opt for some time to practice.
*Note: You have 1 year from the time you complete the full 10 days to take your exams.
Training Schedule
Make sure that you have registered HERE before booking below.
Prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars. If you are outside of Canada, please contact Taylore to register.